This is the waitlist registration form for Kanban University’s certification courses, taught by Kirill Klimov, AKT.
How does it work?
Please review the details below, including pricing and conditions.
If you’re interested, simply register for the waitlist for your chosen course. Once we have 3-5 registrations in the required language, we’ll send a Doodle poll to help select dates that work for everyone. After finalizing the course dates, registration will open for additional participants.

The prices for workshops for 2025:

  • TKP: 400 USD / 375 EUR
  • KSD/KSI: 800 USD / 750 EUR
  • KSD+KSI Bundle (-10%): 1440 USD / 1350 EUR
  • KMM/KC/F4P: 900 USD / 850 EUR
  • KMM+KC Bundle (-10%): 1620 USD / 1530 EUR

We offer a “3 for 2” discount on all courses, so you can register with a friend or colleague to get 3 tickets for the price of 2.

By registering through this form, you are expressing interest and pre-booking your spot. Your booking will be confirmed once payment is received. Your email will be used to communicate course details, coordinate date selection, handle registration with Kanban University, and issue your certificate. Please use the email associated with your Kanban University profile, or specify details in the comments if it differs.

Your name will be used to issue certificate from Kanban University
Select all languages in which you can receive training. Choosing more languages increases your chances of joining a course sooner.
In case of cancellation, a 100% refund will be provided if canceled 30 or more days before the course start. If canceled 30-14 days before the course start, 50% of the ticket price will be refunded. No refund will be given for cancellations made less than 14 days before the course start.
If you are participating in any special program or have specific conditions, please mention them here.
By registering, you agree to the participation rules