Forge a strategic partnership for transformative initiatives that drive meaningful improvements across your organization – this is a headline!

Both Strategic Partnership and Organizational Consultancy are similar in terms of services I can offer. But they are different in delivery of those services. Organizational Consultancy is implemented through a series of short-term, high-impact interventions while Strategic Partnership is a long-term and high level of involvement.

You can think of Organizational Consultancy as “you advice us on what to do – we do” or “you teach us the new method and help us launch it – we run it ourselves” or “you find a problem and suggest a solution – we fix it”. So basically it is I observe, analyze, advise, teach – you do.

Contrarily, Strategic Partnership is about I’m with you on this path. Not only do I do the above, but also help with implementation by everyday involvement. So here it is we do together.

The main difference makers for this schema of work (compared to Organizational Consultancy) are:

full exposure to the context.
Because I’m in all the time, I see the full context – all needed important details about how you work which definitely helps to make better decisions.

level of commitment.
As there is no way I could form even 2 Strategic Partnerships at the same time, I’m fully committed to this schema dedicating myself fully to the success of your change initiative. Polarity of this scale is an option to hire me inside your org ensuring dedication and commitment.

If full-time involvement is not what you are looking for, please, consider Organizational Consultancy.