Recently, I had the unique opportunity to experience the newly implemented exam by Kanban University, which is now a mandatory step toward obtaining the Kanban Coaching Professional (KCP) Credential.

For those of you who might be feeling apprehensive about the difficulty level of this exam, I would like to offer some reassurance. From my perspective, it is a well-structured and quite manageable assessment. To give you a better understanding of what to expect, here are some key details about it:

→ The exam consists of a total of 38 questions, with 35 being rated. These rated questions contribute to your final score.

→ The exam format includes a variety of question types such as multiple-choice, multiple responses, and true/false. There is also a provision to revisit previous questions or proceed to the next, offering flexibility in how you navigate through the exam.

→ With a generous time frame of four hours, you can complete the exam at a comfortable pace.

→ To qualify for the KCP Credential, a minimum score of 75% is required.

→ A noteworthy aspect is that there are no charges for attempting the exam. In the event of not clearing the exam on your first attempt, you are allowed to retake it following a 10-day waiting period. This gap provides ample time to review your course materials, KMM+, and other relevant resources.

→ Once you have successfully passed the exam, there is a fee to activate your KCP credential.

I hope this detailed overview provides you with a clearer picture of the new KCP exam. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out. I would be more than happy to assist.

Categories: Kanban